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Expert Care for Trauma Recovery and Scar Minimization

Trauma to the head and neck region can have significant functional and aesthetic consequences for patients.
Many times trauma is limited to the skin and soft tissue of the face. In many places, a wound or injury can be closed to leave as minimal a scar as possible. Certain areas of the face require specific care and experience to minimize any problems with function. This is especially true around the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. A well-healed and well-positioned scar can make all the difference in achieving an aesthetically pleasing result without any functional problems.

What should be done?

Injuries to the skin and soft tissue should be cleaned and closed as quickly as possible. This will maximize the chance of the wound healing well without infection or other problems.
Trauma that involves the bones of the face requires additional care. Experience has shown that improperly treated fractures of the bones of the face can have devastating long-term consequences.

Facial fractures can affect the way teeth function. If teeth do not fit as they did before the injury, patients can have problems with jaw pain, eating, and potentially asymmetry of the jaw.

Facial fractures can affect the way the eyes look and function. The eye sits inside the bony orbit. Any fracture to the orbit has the potential to change the way the eye is able to see and the position of the eye inside the orbit. If the eyes are not aligned, patients may have double vision.

Facial fractures can affect the way the nose looks and functions. In addition to the aesthetic appearance of the nose, the nose is an important factor in breathing. Trauma can change the patient’s ability to breathe properly.

Facial fractures can involve the bones that surround the brain. The consequences of these cranial bone fractures can be devastating with a range of possible problems. The skull is designed in a very particular manner to protect the brain. Any injury to these bones has the risk of causing serious problems to the underlying brain.

Cosmetic Surgery Houston

Why Choose Us? 

If you have had a problem from previous trauma, it is necessary to have an experienced surgeon evaluate you to determine what the options are. Revision surgery is complicated, often more difficult, and may have a higher risk of complications.
To learn if you are a good candidate please contact our experienced Houston plastic surgeons, Dr. Michael Eisemann and Dr. Bradley Eisemann, at our accredited surgical center in Houston, Texas. Please call us with any questions you may have and we will be happy to schedule a consultation for you.

Cosmetic Surgery Houston

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