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Reverse Signs of Aging with a Rejuvenating Facelift

As a person ages, the signs of time can show the effects of gravity, exposure to the sun, pollutants and the everyday stresses of life on the skin. Appearing as fine lines, wrinkles, deep creases, sagging at the neck, and the development of jowls at the jaw line, these signs of aging can be visibly reversed with a facelift. While a facelift cannot keep your face from aging, it can restore a more youthful appearance to your face. The goals of a facelift for males are typically the same as those for females. In both cases, the patient seeks a younger and more energetic appearance.

What is a facelift?

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a procedure that removes excess fat, while the underlying muscles are lifted and tightened. When these deeper layers are lifted, the skin will follow naturally. The excess skin will then be trimmed away without tension, avoiding the “windswept look,” or a pulled-back facial appearance. The typical areas addressed are the cheeks, the lines extending from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial folds), jowls, marionette lines, as well as the folds and fat deposited around the neck area. Incisions for a facelift are carefully made at the hairline, ears and within the natural folds of the face, to have the least impact and appearance on the patient as possible.

Male and female Facelift: The difference

One of the key differences between a facelift for females and a facelift for males involves the incisions. Men typically wear their hair shorter then women, making scars at the hairline more difficult to hide. The incisions made for a male facelift at the Eisemann Plastic Surgery Center in Houston will be made as inconspicuously as possible, often along the natural crease where the ear meets the side of the face, around the earlobe and at the slower scalp area under the hair.

It is important that certain techniques are used to ensure the most desirable aesthetic outcome for males. Improper techniques can result in an unnatural appearance, due to sideburns being pulled upward and backward. At the Eisemann Plastic Surgery Center in Houston, a facelift for men is performed with appropriate techniques to make sure that the most natural, youthful result is achieved without hairline or earlobe distortion.

Cosmetic Surgery Houston

Your Facelift goals

A facelift is a procedure that can eliminate the most visible signs of aging. While a facelift alone can achieve the desired results for some patients, many of Dr. Michael Eisemann and Dr. Bradley Eisemann’s patients chose to combine their facelift with other surgical procedures such as rhinoplasty, forehead lift, eyelid lift, or chin surgery.

During the initial surgical consultation for a facelift, Dr. Michael Eisemann and Dr. Bradley Eisemann will discuss options with each patient and recommend the procedures that will best suit their medical and aesthetic needs.

Cosmetic Surgery Houston

What is a mini-facelift?

For patients who are younger or do not have an excess of sagging skin, Dr. Michael Eisemann and Dr. Bradley Eisemann may recommend a modified or mini-facelift. This mini facelift procedure does not have as dramatic an effect on the face and neck, but it creates less swelling, will leave shorter scars, and heals more quickly than a full facelift. Midface lifting or lower neck alone lifting can be performed selectively with reduced scarring.

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Your recovery

Facelift procedures at Dr. Michael Eisemann and Dr. Bradley Eisemann’s fully accredited surgical suite in Houston, Texas may be performed under a local anesthetic with I.V. sedation. Patients can expect to spend the first night after the facelift surgery at home. Patients are generally able to move around on the day after surgery, and find that any post-operative soreness or discomfort can be well managed with oral pain medication. Facelift patients will find that most swelling has subsided about one week after surgery.


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